
Get Ready to Reveal Your Best Body This Year with BodyTite™

Jan 18, 2024

Get Ready to Reveal Your Best Body This Year with BodyTite™

Most people prefer minimally invasive cosmetic procedures over surgeries with a substantial recovery period. That’s why we offer BodyTite™, an advanced option for liposuction that minimizes discomfort and recovery time. Read on to learn more.

When asked about their physical features that cause feelings of insecurity, many people mention loose skin or unwanted pockets of fat. These features stand out because they’re not necessarily permanent:  You can change them without altering your bone structure or even undergoing major surgery. 

If you have loose skin or pockets of fat leftover from childbirth, major weight loss, or aging, we here at Women’s Health Institute in Macon and Warner Robins, Georgia, can help. Cosmetic surgeon Nnaemeka Umerah, MD, and aesthetic specialist Anayo Umerah, MD, want to simplify the process of giving you your best body by offering BodyTite™, a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that uses radio-frequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) to remove extra fat and tighten nearby skin. It may also make cellulite less conspicuous.

If your list of New Year's resolutions includes achieving your best possible body, BodyTite can help you bring that goal to fruition. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about BodyTite, its abilities, and its advantages. 

What BodyTite can do

Just like standard liposuction, BodyTite removes fat cells in areas where they stubbornly persist beyond any weight loss efforts. While you should be at or near your ideal weight before you consider BodyTite or any other body contouring service, the procedure can eliminate stubborn pockets of fat and tighten loose skin in areas such as your:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Bra line
  • Arms
  • Gynecomastia (male breast) tissue

How does BodyTite slim these areas? It combines two different processes: radio-frequency fat melting and liposuction. The device’s specialized applicator emits radio frequency, which liquefies targeted fat cells. This makes it easier for the vacuum to suction those cells out through a small incision. 

The radiofrequency energy is dual-purpose, tightening skin and connective tissue in the region while loosening fat cells for liposuction. 

The minimally invasive advantage

BodyTite uses smaller incisions than other fat-reduction surgeries for an overall simpler experience. Among the many benefits of minimally invasive surgeries compared to more invasive options are:

  • Shorter procedure time
  • Reduced recovery time
  • Less postoperative pain
  • Less tissue damage
  • Virtually no scarring
  • Faster return to work and activities
  • Few or no postoperative restrictions

Additionally, you can typically use local anesthesia for BodyTite instead of general anesthesia. With local anesthesia, you stay awake. However, if you’re treating multiple areas, your provider might recommend general anesthesia instead. 

Planning your treatment

Have more questions about BodyTite? Our experts are here to help. During your consultation, they examine you, review your medical history, and ask about your specific treatment goals. They can then tell you if you’re a good candidate for BodyTite and plan your treatment accordingly. 

If you’re ready to see what BodyTite can do for you in 2024, call Women’s Health Institute or schedule a consultation online today.